Focus and Aims

The International Laser Centre is an interdisciplinary research organization formed to foster collaborative research in the areas of progressive methods and technologies of photonics; and their application in industry and health care. The Centre was created by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic in January 1997, as an independent research and educational institution, on the basis of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, the Slovak University of Technology and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, in cooperation with the Moscow State University. The creation of the Centre was aiming at building an excellent research centre equipped with up-to-date sophisticated laser and optoelectronic technologies. Since 2021 it was merged with Slovak Centre of Scientifc and Technical Information, as an organizational unit of SCSTI.

The Centre provides a cross- and inter-disciplinary research infrastructure for the high-level interdisciplinary research and development in all fields of laser-based and photonic technologies in cooperation with Slovak universities, academic institutions and industry. We implement this mission by fostering scientific, engineering and biomedical talents.

Specifically, the Centre:

  • conducts actual scientific and technological projects, and co-operates with associated institutions;
  • provides a platform for technology transfer and create contacts among scientists, engineers and other specialists sharing interest in the field of photonics, presentation of scientific and technical results, consulting and information services
  • cooperates with universities in under-gradual and post-gradual education covering applications of lasers and optoelectronics in microelectronics, biomedicine, industry, organization of training and courses, workshops, etc.

Legal form

International Laser Centre was founded on January 1st, 1997, by the decree of the Slovak Republic Government # 652/96, as an independent budgetary organisation under the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, with the aim to create a base institution of the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic for lasers and laser technologies.

Based on the results of the assessment of the Commission for Periodic Examination of the Research and Development, on February 2005 the Minister of Education issued the Attestation about the Periodical Assessment of the Research, Development and the Eligibility for the Centre to perform activities in the field of research and development.

The organisational structure of the Centre was updated in 2008, taking into account the progress in the research priorities and development in Slovakia. The research priorities of the Centre are defined in accordance with the State Program for the Research and Development. They represent a cross-sectional technological support for research fields defined in the Prognosis for the Development and Applications of Research and Technology up to 2015, oriented to nanomaterials, material research, information and communication technologies, biotechnologies and biomedicine. Accordingly, the ILC is composed of two departments reflecting two main thematic fields: the Department of Laser Technologies and the Department of Biophotonics. The structure of the Centre is completed by the join external laboratories at the University of Pavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice, the Faculty of Pharmacy of Comenius University in Bratislava and the Oncology Institute of Saint Alzbeta in Bratislava.

Since 2021 it was merged with Slovak Centre of Scientifc and Technical Information, as an organizational unit of SCSTI.
