Complex Analysis of Advanced Micro-/Nano-Electronic Structures


Institute of Electronics and Photonics (IEP) FEI STU in Bratislava

is organizing 1 week course

“Complex Analysis of Advanced Micro-/Nano-Electronic Structures”.

The course will be held on 16th – 20th April 2012

in premises of the IEP, and is primarily aimed at PhD students and researchers from European universities and research institutes active in micro- and nano-electronics. The course fulfils all the criteria imposed by the FP7 EURO-DOTS program, and has been provisionally granted the EURO-DOTS label. Detail information about the course, program and registration are at the course web page: PhD students can select this course if it fits directly with their area of interest as a complement to courses that they can take at their home university. ECTS Credits are awarded to individual students after completion of the course and after successfully passing the exam/evaluation organized at the completion of the course. Moreover, PhD students, fulfilling the requirements, can apply for a scholarship that can cover course subscription fee, travel and accommodation costs.

The calendar and detailed description of the EURO-DOTS labelled PhD courses that are open for all PhD students in Europe can be found on EURO-DOTS courses. All information dealing with the application for such a scholarship and the eligibility criteria can be found on Students >> Rules and application procedure.

Do not hesitate and take this unique opportunity to attend one of these advanced courses organized by universities or centres with the genuine expertise in this field! Select the course that fits your needs and apply for a scholarship!

EURO-DOTS Poster (pdf, 104 kB)

Doctoral Course Program (pdf, 299 kB)

Flyer (pdf, 728 kB)



Ústav elektroniky a fotoniky (ÚEF FEI STU)

organizuje v dňoch 16. 4. – 20. 4. 2012 kurz pre PhD študentov Európskej Únie

“Complex Analysis of Advanced Micro-/Nano-Electronic Structures”.

Kurz je zaradený do portfólia kurzov Európskej Únie pripravených pre PhD študentov pôsobiacich v oblasti mikro- a nanoelektroniky. Ako ocenenie splnenia kritérií kvality bol kurz akreditovaný známkou EURO-DOTS.

Podrobné informácie o programe kurzu sú na web stránke:

V priložených letákoch (pdf, 728 kB) a na web stránke EURO-DOTS: nájdete aj informácie o ďalších kurzoch pre PhD študentov z celej Európskej Únie v oblasti mikro- a nanoelektroniky a možnostiach významnej finančnej podpory našich PhD študentov na takýchto seminároch. Vzhľadom na obsah a kvalitu kurzov odporúčame našim PhD študentom účasť na týchto kurzoch.

Záujemcom odporúčame konzultovať možnosti účasti na týchto kurzoch so svojimi školiteľmi.

Doctoral Course Program (pdf, 299 kB)

Poster (pdf, 104 kB)